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Hollie Wolverton

#FirstDraftFriday is Coming! 1/1/2021

What better way to start your new year than with a new picture book draft?

And what better reward for doing so than a chance at a free critique with up-and-coming author Margaret Aitken?

Just think: You could be one-twelfth done with your 12x12 challenge before the second day of the year!! You could have an old story idea fully fleshed out before starting 2021’s Storystorm!

All you need to do is commit to writing a new PB draft anytime between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. on New Year’s Day. (Adjust forward or backward for your time zone if needed, BUT you MUST enter by 8 p.m. EST to be eligible for the critique.)

Drafting is the hard part! Telling your inner critic to “stick a sock in it!” and forging ahead while cringing at your prose or rhyme takes courage.

It’s OK.

Just keep going.

Trust Future-You to fix it up pretty! But Future-You needs something to work with. A blank page won’t do!

So write!!

And we’ll help cheer you on and inspire you to get/keep going. Margaret will share how she drafted her debut picture book and her tips and tricks for getting those stories on the page.

Once you’ve written, you’re on to the easy part! Enter for a chance at a free critique from Margaret by:

  1. Following both me and Margaret on Twitter (@HollieWolverton and @mgtaitken) - feel free to do this today, right now, any time before 8 p.m. EST on Jan. 1, 2021.

  2. Comment on my January 1, 2021 #FirstDraftFriday blog post, saying you completed a PB draft.

Margaret Aitken’s picture book entitled OLD FRIENDS is coming out Spring 2022 from Feiwel and Friends with Lenny Wen illustrating. I’ve had the pleasure of reading and critiquing the story a couple times, and it is fabulous and will be amazing paired with Lenny’s gorgeous illustrations.

Hope you can join us!

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